The Two Goats

It was on a bright, sunny day that two Goats found themselves approaching one another from opposite ends of a very narrow bridge over a formidable chasm. Each Goat came from a different direction and could not see the other until they came close to the middle of the bridge, when suddenly they came into plain sight of each other.

Now the Goat which had come from the place the bridge led to wished to cross over into the place from which the other came. And the Goat which had come from the opposite place wanted to go forward into the place his antagonist had just come from. So neither would give way to the other.

“I will go first,” said the one.
“No, I will go first,” said the other.
“Why should you go before me?” said the first one.
“Because I am a much bigger Goat than you,” said the other.

“But you will never be able to get off the bridge on account of your great size and weight, then, shall always be in the way of my progress. But if I get to the end of the bridge first, then I shall have time to get to the side before you come up.”

So they argued and quarrelled the matter over, but neither would yield to the other. The fact was, neither would give an inch, and so they gored each other with their horns and tumbled into the chasm below.

Compromise is the best way to settle disputes.

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