The Three Little Birds

Once upon a time, three little birds lived in a sunny meadow. The sun was shining, the grass was green and the flowers were blooming. Here we have our three little birds; let’s call them Chirpy, Flappy and Breezy. Chirpy is chirping gaily, and Flappy is flitting his wings in delight because they are both building a nest for themselves.

“Aren’t you going to build a nest, Breezy?” says Chirpy.

“No! I want to play!” says Breezy.

Here comes a great wind; it blows and it blows.

“Goodness me! Where is my nest?” says Chirpy.

“It is blown to the top of yonder tall tree. I see it up there, but how can I get to it?” says Flappy.

“Go, Breezy! Go get my nest for me and I will give you mine,” says Chirpy.

“Oh no! I want to play,” chirrups Breezy.

The little birds hop about to keep themselves warm.

“We are going to be cold! See how thick the white snow is on the ground!” says Chirpy.

Breezy shakes his head, but he does jump about.

“Do come and help get my nest, Breezy; then we shall all three sit together in them. It is so cold!” says Chirpy.

But Breezy shakes his head and hops about till he tumbles over.

At last he had to go and get his nest; but he gathers the snow to the top of it so that it will not blow away again.

“Now we do hope you will like our nests,” say the two little birds, when they all three sit by the side of each other.

Oh, how close they must cuddle at bedtime to keep warm! But they do not mind that. It is so nice and snug to be by each other.

It is so warm in the nests by day that they watch the snow melting and the bright sun shining. But at night, oh! how chilly it is! It is well for them that they have their fluffy feathers and each other.

All day the two little birds gather food for Breezy, and sit close to him to sleep.

“Teamwork helps keep family safe and sound,” say the two little birds.

“Yes,” says Breezy, and so they all think.

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