The Two Frogs

On a warm sunny afternoon, Freddy and Fiona the Frogs were hopping about when suddenly they both fell into a large deep pot by accident. After swimming around and around for a while they decided to see how deep the pot really was.

So they swam to the edge of the pot, but just found that it was far too deep for them to jump out of. “Never mind,” chirped Freddy cheerfully, “we can stay here quite happily in this nice cool water, at any rate for a time.”

Just then a little girl came in and seeing the Frogs began to scream, “Oh, Mummy! Mummy! I think I have found a Frog,” and ran away to fetch her mother, so that for some time the Frogs had the pot to themselves again.

“I’m getting rather chilly,” said Fiona after a time, “we may as well try to get out now.” So they took a fair-sized jump together, but could not get halfway out of the pot.

“Let’s have another jump,” said Freddy. So they jumped and jumped and jumped again, but it was of no use.

“Pray don’t give up,” chirped Freddy, and they went on jumping and jumping again.

“I am so tired,” said Fiona at last, “and I feel as if I shall never leave off sinking.” But Freddy still kept jumping and said, “Do try once more, it is of no use giving up as long as we can keep afloat.”

So Fiona gave a great jump but sunk lower than ever, she could not move her feet and began to cry.

Then Freddy said, “You are so tired that you have no strength left, and I am afraid that you are going to sink. Close your eyes, pour out your hearts’ grief, and perhaps even yet we may be saved.”

Then by degrees Fiona calmed herself and stopped crying, and Freddy said, “Now, listen to me, perhaps if we swim down to the bottom of the pot and jump up from there we may be able to touch the edge.”

So off they swam to the bottom, and pushed themselves with all their might from the bottom of the pot. They Spring higher and higher, whilst the few drops of cream turned into rich Butter.

“You have saved my life,” said Fiona. “I am glad I pushed this butter out of the way.”

And they both jumped on to it and from thence to the ground.

“Now, Frog,” said Freddy, “whenever you are in trouble sing out to me and I will be there.”

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