The Animal Orchestra

On a bright sunny morning, Leo the Lion was strolling through the woods. Suddenly, a thought struck him, “Why should not we animals have music to play and sing to? I will gather a band of musicians.” So saying, he made all the animals, big and small, come up before him.

“Will you take a part in a music band?” said he.

“Yes, yes,” said all the animals. “I play the flute” said the Squirrel. “And I sing the song,” said the Thrush. “And I the violin,” said the Monkey. “And I, I the clarionet,” said the Bear.

“Stop, stop,” said Leo, “You have all forgotten me. I am King of the Animals, I must conduct the band. What will you place in your mouth, King Lion?” said the animals humbly. “Myself, of course,” said Leo; “I will lead the band.” So the Lion gathered the animals together and told them all what they should do. But every animal said, “I will do nothing, but do as I please.”

So the Lion could get no band together.

Moral: The Union is Strength.

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