Harry and the Hidden Treasure

Once upon a bright sunny afternoon, when the woods were full of birds and the fragrance of blooming flowers, lived a little hedgehog named Harry. Harry was not like most other hedgehogs; he was very curious and loved going on little adventures. His friends often laughed when they heard him say, “Another adventure awaits!”

One day, while roaming around his favorite bush in Sunny Woods, he stumbled upon an old piece of paper. It was crumpled and most of the writing was faded, but Harry’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

“What’s this? A treasure map?” he squealed, recalling the tales of buried treasures whispered by his grandmother. “If I only had someone to help me solve this riddle!”

Just then, Nibbles, the little squirrel, scampered down a tree nearby. “What have you got there, Harry?”

“An old map,” said Harry, pointing out various crisscrossed lines and strange symbols. “Would you help me find the treasure? I’d give you half of it!”

At these words, Nibbles’ eyes grew wider. “Of course! We’ll need many others to help us solve this riddle and dig. Let’s go ask Wise Old Bear.”

And off they went, Harry rolling as fast as he could behind Nibbles. The day was warm, the berries ripe and juicy, and now and then they picked one for a nibble, as hungry travelers are sure to do.

When they reached the Wise Old Bear, he put on his spectacles and read the map carefully. “Ah, yes,” he said, “this map has been handed down from one to another for many generations. I was told of it when I was a little bear, but alas, none of us could ever decipher it. But come in, friends, and let us see what we can do.”

Then they all sat round the fire, and after discussing the map for a long time, Nibbles cried, “I see how it is! The map was drawn upside down!”

It was not long before they reached the right conclusion of where the treasure was buried, as they all knew their woodland well. Even Wise Old Bear was excited and decided to go with them the next day.

Early the next morning, with their hearts full of anticipation, they set off towards the spot marked on the map, accompanied by a tiny owl who had heard about the adventure and longed to see all.

When they reached the place, they found a large flat rock lying on the ground. There it was written on the map! Together they pushed and pulled at the rock, and in a little while a large wooden box made of iron-bound oak was uncovered. They hardly dared to open it when they got it out of the ground, but it was beautifully carved all over, and as they lifted the lid a lovely scent full of sweetness burst forth.

“Oh! how delicious!” cried Harry, sniffing in delight. Nibbles on peeped and whispered to Harry, “Better not stand too near,” and jumped off to the side. And Wise Old Bear, who seldom indulged in sweets said, “Why, why, it is honey!”

And so it was, honey all sealed down in little cups, enough for everyone in the woods, and more too. The little company feasted on the honey all day, and then took it, in a little at a time for many weeks, to every hedgehog, squirrel, owl, fox, and all their friends, in the whole of Sunny Woods till all was eaten.

And so the map proved truly to be a treasure map, for it led them all to the treasure of friendship, goodwill, and unselfishness.

Thus the little creatures learned through a simple incident the great joy of sharing and goodwill in their little community. Harry’s curiosity had indeed led to a treasure far greater than he had ever imagined.

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