The Tortoise and the Hare

In The Meadow, lived a hare who boasted of his speed. He said that no one could catch him, even him, he’d wait till the tortoise was a long way off, and off he’d go.

The tortoise said quietly, “I would challenge you to a race, or you would never give me the chance.”

So a race was fixed, and a course was marked out, and a couple of pigeons were told to come and arbitrate.

All the Annimals were here, except the fox, who, it was said, had some reputation as a painter.

“Now, Tortoise,” said the hare, “come on with your best pace.”

So off he went and soon left the tortoise far behind. Then finding he had more than enough time to have his sleep, he put his head under a tree and took a fine sleep till a noisy little cock came floating by, and exclaimed loudly:

“Cock-a-doodle-doo! The race is not yet won!” said the tortoise; so he awoke and found the sun had not gone down, and started off.

He arrived on time to win the race because the hare had a long sleep and put it off too long.

Slow but steady progress wins the race.

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