The Tale of Two Kites

It was a windy afternoon, and Kiki and Leo were excitedly running to an open field, both holding the strings tightly attached to their kites. The sky was a perfect shade of blue, with fluffy clouds passing by occasionally. Kiki’s kite was beautifully painted with bright colors, while Leo’s one was a simple yet sturdy structure.

“Look how high mine is flying!” Kiki shouted, pointing at her kite soaring above.

“And mine is zooming even higher!” Leo replied, tugging on his string. Both friends beamed with joy, watching their kites dance in the wind.

As the wind blew stronger, they both decided to let the strings out a bit more. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind caught both kites, and they began to drift toward each other. Kiki and Leo noticed their kites’ strings crossing in the air, and both shouted at the same time, “Watch out!”

But it was too late! The kites tangled together, and for a moment, they both just stared at the colorful mess above them, then at each other.

“This is your fault!” Kiki exclaimed.

“My fault? How could it be? You were too careless!” Leo retorted, crossing his arms.

So preoccupied were they in blaming each other that they entirely forgot about their kites above. The wind blew, causing the kites to tug against each other, making a dreadful noise.

Finally, Kiki sighed, “How about we try to untangle them together?”

Leo thought for a moment, then nodded. “Alright, but I’ll hold on to my string first.”

They both held their strings tightly and slowly lifted them from the ground while trying to keep the kites in the air. Closer and closer they came, carefully ensuring that the strings wouldn’t tangle further.

With a bit of patience, they soon managed to untangle the kites, and with a sudden burst of wind, they both flew high in the sky again. Kiki and Leo cheered with delight.

“You know,” Kiki said, “It’s much more fun when we work together.”

“Yes,” Leo replied with a smile. “Understanding and cooperation really strengthen our friendship.”

From that day on, whenever they flew their kites, they always did so side by side, their laughter echoing in the gentle breeze. Never again did they allow a moment of disagreement to come between them.

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