Once upon a time, in a sunny little farm, there lived a farmer named Oliver. He was known all over the village for his enormous vegetables and splendid fruits. Each year, he would save the best seeds from his harvest to sow for the next season.
One day, while sifting through one of his seed bags, Oliver discovered a seed he had never seen before. It was as big as his fist and shimmered like a jewel. He felt a tingling in his fingers as he held it. “What sort of seed can this be?” he wondered aloud. “It must be something special. I shall plant it in the centre of my garden, where it can have plenty of room to grow!”
So he dug a deep hole in his soft black earth and carefully placed the seed inside. Covering it with soil, he watered it gently. Each day he tended to the ground, hoping to see a shoot break through the surface. But the days turned into weeks, and still nothing happened. The other seeds he had planted around were putting out tiny green leaves, but where was the wonderful seed?
At last, the villagers began to tease Oliver. “Whatever has become of that big seed of yours?” they would ask. “You must be dreaming if you expect it to come up!” Oliver could only smile and shake his head.
However, it was a good seed, and after a while, Oliver noticed that little green leaves were pushing their way up through the soil. Day by day they grew thicker and stronger, and at last, after weeks of patient waiting, the seed burst forth in a mass of pale pink blossoms. These soon developed into the largest fruit Oliver had ever seen, and when it was ripe, his wife Claire made it into a huge pie that fed the entire village!
Now the tree is a place of pilgrimage to all and sundry, and which ever breeze blows through its leafy branches seems to sing a song of gladness; while all about its foot tiny flowers spring up in every nook and cranny, spreading a carpet of sweet perfume.
“So a nursery garden grows up round the foot of a tree,” say the villagers; “and surely a finer tree it would be hard to find anywhere.”
This fable beautifully encapsulates the patience and nurturing required in life. At a first glance, the magical seed seems to be a mere tale of farming, but it carries a deeper message. As Oliver tended to the seed, he learned that true growth often takes time, and success sometimes requires unwavering faith. By sharing this story, children can understand that with love and care, even seemingly small beginnings can lead to magnificent outcomes, teaching them valuable life lessons.