The Loyal Dog

A boy had a pet dog that used to follow him everywhere. One day the boy’s mother said to him, “You must not take Rex with you when you go into the woods this evening. Who knows what may happen.”

But the boy could not bear to part with Rex, so off they both went. After wandering about in the woods for a time, the little boy turned to go home, but he could not find his way. Night came on, and still the boy was wandering about, with Rex beside him.

At last the boy sat down under a tree and began to cry. Suddenly he thought, “If I go to sleep I may never wake. I must try to keep up my courage.”

So once more he rose, and went on; but soon his little feet grew sore with walking. Suddenly Rex barked. Relief had come at last; for he soon found a woodcutter, who conducted him to the edge of the wood, where his frightened parents awaited him.

That night, when the boy was safe at home, he went to his room, and there found Rex stretched out in front of the door. As soon as Rex saw the boy, he jumped up, happy at the return of his little master; but soon he lay down quietly, his weary head on his paws, and there he remained till the morning sun peeped in at the window.

Loyalty is a precious virtue.

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