Once upon a time, in a magical cosmos where dreams floated like soft clouds, there was a little star named Twinkle. Among all the bright stars above, Twinkle was one of the smallest. Yet, Twinkle had the biggest dreams of all.
Every night, when all the stars began to dance and twinkle in the sky, Twinkle wished deeper and louder than any other star. “If only I could shine brighter, if only I could sparkle larger, I would light up the earth below all night long!” she thought.
One clear night, when Twinkle was feeling rather blue about her smallness, a kind old moon glided by and spoke to her. “Why do you look so sad, little friend?” he asked.
“I’m too little compared to the other stars,” sighed Twinkle. “At this very moment, the sun is shining his brightest on the other side, making them look so radiant. I feel like I’ll never shine that bright!”
The moon lovingly replied, “You have to learn to believe in your own brightness, little one. You see, those stars are only shining brightly because the sun is right beside them. When he sets, they will no longer shine as bright. But you— oh, yes you— you can shine bright all night long if only you would believe in yourself!”
Twinkle looked puzzled but listened carefully. The next night a small girl stood on a hill below and looked up at the sky. “Oh look, Mother,” she said, “There is a little star that has scattered some diamonds about her. How beautiful she looks tonight!”
Twinkle heard this kind little girl and felt a glow of warmth fill her heart. “Maybe I don’t have to be bigger or brighter,” thought Twinkle, “Maybe I just have to be me!”
So, from that time on, Twinkle shone a little brighter and a little larger, and as she believed more and more in her own unique light, she lit up the lives of friends below and twinkled in their hearts. And so, if you look up in the nighttime sky and see a star that appears to be scattered with diamonds, you will know that’s Twinkle, the star who believed in herself.