The Little Red Hen

In a lovely little house on a farm lived a little Red Hen. She loved her house and cared for every detail. She moved around the neighborhood talking to everyone and decided that she would then plant a garden.

One warm spring day while scratching around in the dirt the little Red Hen came across a grain of wheat. “Who will plant this?” she asked her friends.

“Not I,” said the dog.

“Not I,” said the cat.

“Not I,” said the duck. “You will plant it by yourself.”

“Very well, then, I will plant it myself,” said the little Red Hen.

And she did. Each day the little Red Hen watered the wheat. “Who will water this wheat?” she asked her friends.

“Not I,” said the dog.

“Not I,” said the cat.

“Not I,” said the duck. “You will water it by yourself.”

“Very well, then, I will water it myself,” said the little Red Hen.

And she did. When the wheat grew very high and golden, the little Red Hen said, “Who will cut this wheat?”

“Not I,” said the dog.

“Not I,” said the cat.

“Not I,” said the duck. “You will cut it by yourself.”

“Very well, then, I will cut it myself,” said the little Red Hen.

And she did.

After she cut the wheat she said, “Who will take this wheat to the mill?”

“Not I,” said the dog.

“Not I,” said the cat.

“Not I,” said the duck. “You will take it to the mill by yourself.”

“Very well, then, I will take it myself,” said the little Red Hen.

And she did.

The miller ground the wheat into flour and the little Red Hen carried it home in a sack on her back. When she got home she said, “Who will make some bread out of this flour?”

“Not I,” said the dog.

“Not I,” said the cat.

“Not I,” said the duck. “You will make the bread by yourself.”

“Very well, then, I will make the bread myself,” said the little Red Hen.

And she did.

She kneaded the flour with water, made the dough, put it in the oven, and baked the bread. The little Red Hen took the hot bread out of the oven. While it was hot, her lazy friends came around and said, “Aren’t you going to give us some of that bread? We helped take care of the wheat.”

“Who helped plant the wheat?” asked the little Red Hen.

“You did.”

“Who helped water the wheat?” asked the little Red Hen.

“You did.”

“Who helped cut the wheat?” asked the little Red Hen.

“You did.”

“Who helped carry it to the mill?” she asked.

“You did.”

“Who helped take it out of the mill and carry it home?” asked the little Red Hen.

“You did.”

“Well then,” said the little Red Hen, “I will eat this bread myself!” And she did.

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