The Little Lost Star

Once upon a time, in a world far away, a little star woke up in the night sky. This world had no cities, no homes, and no people, only a blue dome, and thousands and thousands of stars. But Luna was just a tiny little star, the brightest star in heaven.

Each morning when the sun rose she had to go to bed, but each night she awoke to play with the other stars. The big stars carried their moons about by day and by night. The little stars sung songs, where the singing was always the same, and only the words changed. But Luna alone played with the rainbow colors and sometimes danced about in the streaks of fire left behind by the falling stars.

The days were long to her, for the sun had time to put out all the stars; the big ones had time to go to sleep and dream out their performances; the little ones sung so many songs that Luna often longed for a white cloud wherein she might go to sleep and rest for a long, long while.

In the night sky there were thousands of stars, and each one thought they were the only one! That was because there was no one to tell them better; you always think that you are the only one. But Luna felt that she could never dance, always keep a shining, always do nothing! She was not properly bred!

One day an old star came past the place of her shining, and he said, “Why are you gazing downwards and not playing with the others?”

“If I play with the others, I have no one to speak to,” said Luna. He saw that she was really a little lost star, and harnessed to her the twelve moons, which he carried about by day; then she shone no more, but the white clouds came past in long rows and rested on her and looked very wise.

All the other stars became frightened, and rounded up all their moons to talk with the moons about this matter, and ribbons were made, and recommendations written to the sun! It would be a most dreadful night, that night when the seven wise men were to come that lost the little star all this trouble!

And all that was written, was written, but it remained on the floor. This was bad for the future of the little lost star. But when the sun awoke and was to go to bed he laid his golden wreath on the dead blue dome. Now he went to sleep!

“Good-night! good-night!” said the little star.

“Now I shall not be lost again,” said Luna.

And she was never lost any more!

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