The Friendship Festival

In a garden as colorful as a rainbow, where flowers bloomed in every shade imaginable, two best friends named Nina and Ravi were having an important conversation.

“Next week is our anniversary,” said Nina. “How should we celebrate?”

“That’s a great question!” exclaimed Ravi, clapping his hands together. “Something fun and exciting!”

“Perhaps we could plant a flower garden together,” suggested Nina.

“But we do that already! We need something different!” replied Ravi.

They thought long and hard until an idea suddenly struck them like a bright ray of spring sunshine.

“We can have a friendship festival!” they cried together.

It would be a day filled with games, fun, food, and dance, where all their friends would come together to celebrate the joy and warmth of friendship. Everything sounded wonderful until they faced another problem.

“What will we do at our festival?” asked Nina, scratching her head.

“I know some friends who are great dancers. They could show us how to do dances from around the world,” suggested Ravi.

“That’s a super idea! And I know more friends who enjoy singing.”

“I have a friend who is a juggler and a clown,” Ravi said excitedly. “He can entertain everyone!”

“Perfect! But will our friends all be available on the same day?” Nina asked.

“Leave that to me,” said Ravi, nodding his head. “I know how to ask them.”

Nina and Ravi made a big poster that said “You Are Invited to Our Friendship Festival,” and hung it where everyone could see it. Soon everyone was excited, but some people couldn’t come because of other plans. Just when Nina and Ravi were worried that nobody would come, they got a very surprising idea!

“Let’s see if our friends would meet on a different day, and then everyone can come!” suggested Ravi.

The very next day, Nina and Ravi rang everyone up and asked them to join another day in Rainbow Park. Most said “Yes,” and soon a big poster was made with all sorts of information. On the evening of the festival, Rainbow Park was as bright and full of color as Nina’s and Ravi’s garden. All around the garden lamps were strung up among the trees, and bright garden chairs and tables were arranged everywhere. Sweet-smelling pots full of fruit with drinks were on every table. Flowers decorated the teapots and soup kettles.

“I feel like a princess in my new dress!” laughed Nina.

“And I have my best shirt!” said Ravi.

Now all their friends were starting to arrive. All day there had been more people coming and going than at a railway station. Everyone hugged Nina and Ravi and congratulated them on the great festival they had prepared.

The children’s show was such a success that soon ladies with little children came running, too. Some of the children had hand balloons. Some brought butterflies in nets, and some played jolly tunes. One cheery mother fanned the air with bright cards and made the dancing guests smile and laugh. Grandparents were seated at the shady end of the park, with children on their knees laughing at the stories the old folks told.

Dancing, singing, and jugglers were everywhere in the cool, fragrant evening air, and soon happy laughter and music filled the park to soothe the tired guests.

The sun was setting over the houses when Nina and Ravi drew together the remaining guests sent by their friends. They gathered in a circle and grew very serious, and so did everybody around them. With voices that could not hide their happiness, Nina and Ravi thanked everyone for the great festival arranged and for their good friendship and help. High up above the park, countless stars began twinkling, and soon fireworks lit up the scene and flew away into the sky.

Nina and Ravi stretched out their hands for an embrace and said, “Friendship is worth celebrating together!”

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