The Clever Fox and the Proud Crow

In a sunny meadow, a proud crow named Coco found a piece of cheese and decided to enjoy it while perched on a tree branch. Felix the Fox, wandering through the meadow, noticed the cheese in Coco’s beak and devised a plan to get it for himself.

“Good day, Coco!” Felix called out. “How beautiful you look today! I have heard that you sing as beautifully as you look. Would you sing a song for me? I would love to hear your sweet voice.”

Flattered by Felix’s compliments, Coco forgot about her cheese. She opened her beak to sing, causing the cheese to fall to the ground. Felix quickly picked up the cheese and smiled at Coco, saying, “Thank you for the lesson in humility today, proud bird!” He then happily walked away with his prize.

Coco learned that her vanity led to her loss, realizing that pride often brings downfall.

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