The Brave Little Bunny

Once upon a time, in a sunny little meadow where flowers bloomed and butterflies danced, lived a small bunny named Bobby. Bobby was not an ordinary bunny; while others were shy and timid, he was known for his bold spirit. This brave little bunny hopped around with joy, spreading happiness wherever he went.

Bobby loved to explore the vast corners of the sunny meadow, making friends with not just the bunnies, but also with the deer, squirrels, and even the little birds that fluttered above him. “Good morning, Daisy” he would say to the deer. “What a lovely day, Chip and Dale,” he would call to the squirrels as they dashed up and down their tree, wagging their bushy tails. Everything seemed perfect in this sunny little world.

But one day, a dark shadow fell over the meadow. A big, scary wolf had come to live in the forest nearby, and he was very hungry. When the other forest animals heard about the wolf, they grew scared and worried. “Who will go and ask him to leave?” they said. Bobby the Brave, who was not like other timid bunnies, said, “I will go!” His friends gasped. “What will a little bunny like you do against a fierce wolf?” they asked. But Bobby felt strong inside, and off he went down the path that led to the dark forest.

As soon as Bobby reached the dark forest, he saw the wolf sitting under an old tree, looking rather hungry. Bobby swallowed hard but said in a strong voice, “Mr. Wolf, why have you come to this land? It is full of gentle creatures, and you are scaring them all. Please leave us and go back to the woods where there are many fat deer to eat.” The wolf shook his head. He was not going to leave until he had had a nice furry bunny to eat, and the others would taste just like chicken.

Bobby felt all the courage he had in his little body. “You are a great big wolf,” he said, “and I know why you don’t chase after the deer and other animals.” The wolf’s eyes glinted. “Oh, you do, do you? Why is that?” he growled.

Bobby quaked a little, but told a story that seemed to grow funnier while he told it until the wolf, who had really no sense of humor, rolled over with laughter. “It is very strange,” said Bobby. “I would not have thought a great big fellow like you never tried to catch the other animals. Why, it is so easy, they are all afraid of you.”

“They would be easier to catch,” said the wolf, “if they did not think they were so clever.” Bobby turned and hopped down the pathway, where he soon came across a deer that was waiting to ask the wolf to leave their home. Bobby thought he could hear the wolf laughing even at that distance. “You were right,” said the deer. “This big wolf thinks he is very wise.”

Soon all the animals of the forest came to see the wolf; each asking him to leave. Then they built a great bonfire and ran around with torches, trying to frighten him away. But the wolf just lay still on the ground and laughed at them for being so silly.

Bobby, treading quietly and softly, made a little hole in the ground under some bushes. Out of this hole, some little animals who lived there peeped their furry heads. Bobby called them and told them what was happening. “Do come, do hurry!” he said. “We will soon see which is the wiser.” So the little rabbits, the guinea pigs, mice, and squirrels, many in numbers, all went to the old tree where the wolf was, and the wolf laughed again to see them.

Just then the little animals changed into something very much larger. They were combed down, washed, and dressed to appear to the best advantage. Then the funniest thing of all happened: they all got round in a big circle, holding paws or hoofs or claws, and began to reel in and out exactly like a big wheel inside of itself. The wheel grew larger and larger, rounder and rounder, and swifter and swifter, until the frightened wolf, who could not tell what was happening, got so dizzy that when he woke up, the earth seemed to turn the other way. He ran and ran until he reached the door of his cave, and then turned right round and ran up a tree.

After that the wolf never came down. And so one bright day, Bobby the Brave, the smartest little bunny in the whole forest, went all around, congratulating all his friends for the clever job they had done. Then he hopped home across the sunny meadow, where his garden of juicy clover grew, to eat for his dinner.

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