Lola the Lizard's Berry Feast: A Heartwarming Tale of Friendship

One sunny morning in a green meadow, a little lizard named Lola awoke. She loved to bask in the sun and feel the warm rays on her back. But today, she was feeling a bit peckish.

“I think I’ll look for some berries,” she said to herself. “Strawberries would be delightful, or maybe some juicy blueberries.”

Just then, Lola noticed something red peeping up from the longest grass. Pushing her way through, there she saw a lovely strawberry by the side of a little stream.

“Yum! That’s just what I want for breakfast!” said Lola.

But when she reached it, she saw another strawberry, and still another just beyond, and when she ran on a little way, there was a whole patch of them! Not far from where she had picked the first one, a bush full of blackberries was growing, and still farther on, bushes of raspberries.

“How lovely!” said Lola. “Now I can have a berry feast!”

But quickly her little face fell.

“Alas!” she cried. “These berries are not for me alone. I can’t eat them all.”

Now all her woodland friends knew how good it was to eat strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries in the summer sunshine. Very quickly she made up her mind.

“All my friends shall share with me,” she said merrily.

So off she scampered to the home of Benji the Bunny. He was just going to hop out for an early breakfast when he saw Lola.

“Good morning, Lola!” said Benji. “What brings you here?”

“I come to invite you to a berry feast at the edge of the sunny meadow,” she said.

Then she hurried on to say the same thing to Benny Bluebird, and soon all her friends were on their way to the berry patch. What fun it was! Everyone had all they could eat, and they took a great basketful back with them.

Every day while the berries lasted, they had berry feasts in the sunny meadow. It was Benji who observed:

“Come to think of it, if you hadn’t found the berries, we should have lost all this fun.”

So you see, little folks, the next time you find a patch of fruit or berries, perhaps it is meant for you to invite your friends to share with you, for food is always sweeter when you have company.

And that was how the merry little lizard found the meadow berries, but it was not until her friends were there to help eat them did she find out how good they were.

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