The Balloon Journey

Once upon a time, on a bright sunny day, an inquisitive little bunny named Bella looked up into the blue sky. “Oh, how I wish I could float up there among those fluffy clouds!” Bella sighed dreamily. She watched a colorful hot air balloon dancing up in the sky, feeling a yearning deep within her heart.

As Bella examined the balloon more closely, she decided it was too far away for her to reach. But then, all at once, a shimmering thought crossed her mind. “Maybe my friend Percy could help!” she exclaimed, her little heart thumping with excitement.

Percy the Pig was Bella’s best friend. He was always ready for an adventure, no matter how big or small. When she hopped up to him and shared her dream, Percy smiled and said, “Why not? Let’s give it a try!”

Together they collected all the things they would need for the expedition. They gathered old sheets, some twigs, and a large basket. Carefully, they arranged everything together to make a lovely hot air balloon. They even painted it in bright colors so it would look just like the one Bella had seen in the sky.

Finally, it was time for the adventure to begin. Bella climbed into the basket with a little hesitation, and Percy helped pull down the balloon’s envelope. She could hardly contain her excitement, which bubbled over like the warm air from a tiny heating device they had found. “Here we go!” shouted Percy as he lit the flame. Suddenly, the balloon began to expand, floating higher, pulling the basket off the ground.

Percy let go of the ropes unexpectedly and for an instant, Bella trembled slightly, but then all her fears faded away. She shouted with joy, feeling like the happiest bunny in the world as they rose higher into the delightful blue sky. “Oh, isn’t this wonderful! The clouds are closer than I ever dreamed! Thank you so much, Percy!” and she blew her friend a kiss from high above.

Percy jumped and waved while shouting his reply, “This is magnificent! I’m so glad your dream has come true.” But even the thickest, juiciest short grass could not keep up with the balloon, and soon Percy was a tiny spot far beneath them. Bella looked down, but where was her one true friend? She strained her little eyes, watching the ground carefully, but he was gone.

Suddenly, she heard a loud “Pop!” and the balloon began to fall. Down and down they dropped; faster and faster they fell, tumbling through the air, while Bella gave a squeal of fright, which was very brave of her.

But there was nothing she could do. Up there in the heavens, she had found her dear friend Percy, who was sitting quietly beside the bonfire that had broken a tiny twig, sending it scurrying into the basket; and he was examining the spot in the skirt of the balloon where the air was entering even more rapidly.

“I’m afraid that this adventure is going to end very soon,” he said, looking like a tiny, very calm piglet at the foot of a towering tree. Immediately the sturdy little bunny began to cry. “I shall have to take care of myself without you,” he said kindly.

He waved his affectionate hoof goodbye while Bella blew him a kiss with her dainty little mouth.

Then she closed her eyes tight to shut out everything and brace herself for the terrible experience of falling down, down.

But instead of falling she bounced up and up high in the sky where she was lighted on the topmost branch of a great tree. And then, oh rap, rap, rap! went the hooves of Percy on a gigantic deer just below her; but before the deer could say “Thank you,” the balloon with a sigh let out all its fragrant air and fell minus the basket direct in front of his great tender mouth just made for eating many appetizers recommended by doctors.

Then she looked around to see what was happening. Was that sunny day only a dream? Down mountain and hollow flew Percy and the wise deer, and together they found the little page of the love adventure. By dinner-time Percy had regained his temper, nudged his lost piece of cheek, and had retreated to an anxious-to-neap certain fugitives. There on sly deer with fly-pap and a merry face emerged from the fortunate oxygen recovery.

From the treetops the little delighted bunny was softly dropped where bright stars in unseen tireless depths of the population to come were waiting to surround the enthusiastic animals.

To see them all sporting and tumbling, to hear their merry shouts gave Bella the happiest moment of her life, but sometimes she thought of the great balloon adventure. And then she felt thankful that Dreamers never come to grief and always look forward to even brighter blossoms of the morrow.

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