Riley and the Family Secret

On a clear night, the moonlight poured through my window, illuminating the stacks of books in my little room. My favorite corner was a circular section filled with tomes on spells and magical beings, creating a world of colors and wonder. I could spend hours lost in those pages, often until my mother came to check on me.

It was on one of these moonlit nights that my life changed forever. Feeling a surge of rebellion against sleep, I gathered my courage. The Moon Festival had just passed, a magical time when the barrier between our world and others was weakest. Master Yun, my mentor, had forbidden any rigorous spell work, yet here I was, ready to defy both him and my mother.

As if in response to my thoughts, a book titled Books of Wonder: What the Moon Sees shimmered and glowed. It had always intrigued me, rich in illustrations yet empty of text. I had discovered that even an ordinary book could yield wonders; the tales hidden within its illustrations transformed once the book was opened under the full moon’s gaze.

Ignoring the clock, I removed the book from the shelf. I couldn’t believe it hadn’t been checked out yet. With bated breath, I opened it. The images shifted and came alive with the moonlight, casting them across my room. I felt like a wizard in a magical realm, naked and unrestrained before the world.

Each illustration sparked connections in my mind, leading to words I hadn’t read but somehow knew. The story unveiled the journey of Persephidone, Xu Ha, and numerous other figures I knew only through hastily sketched pictures in other texts.

Suddenly, a shout broke the silence. “Are you in here?” It was my mother’s voice, masking another presence. Rapidly, the illustrations faded, leaving the book a dull tome once more.

“Riley? I heard that bang—you better not be in the attic during the Moon Festival!” Her admonishment echoed in darkness.

“Mom, I—“

“We need to talk right now!”

Reluctantly, I pulled away from my sacred space, the open book now unnatural and drab. I followed her into the attic and nearby rooms, where tables bore trays filled with sweet rice cakes and fruit. Candles flickered atop many, casting dancing shadows.

“Do you mind explaining?” she asked, hands on her hips.

I cowered before her. “There’s a secret, Mom! I’ve found it, or at least part of it. The book told so.”

She relaxed slightly but was still tense. “Do share.”

“It describes a magical being—Mother’s Moon. She’s so radiant and so wild a spirit. But it says she drank wine during the Great Flood. I remember…”

“The tragedy left its mark more than we realize,” she replied, her voice softening.

“But there’s more. Persephidone and Xu Ha! And Harmonious Flower, as well! Mother and this Queen—it’s a mystery. The book faded before I could uncover it all.”

She placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. The warm familiar touch calmed me, and I felt braver. “You know you can talk to me about anything, Riley.”

“I’m afraid, Mom. What if I tell you and then remember more? It’s too much.”

With a sigh, she took the book from me, glancing over its gilded edges. The faded colors captivated her. “You think there’s a chance that these mysteries are ours? That maybe—“ She paused, gaze fixed on a point far away in her mind. “No, it can’t be. But then again, who knows?”

I peered closely, noticing details I’d missed. It showed Persephidone’s garden, stunning blue flowers glowing against a brilliant pink sky, and unusually long-beaked birds with moon-shaped eyes stopping to sniff them. The temple depicted synchronizing new moons from ancient times, long shadows covering the statues of Mother and Harmonious Flower, their scepters intersecting in the night air.

“Mom—there’s something big here! I think we’re connected to this place!”

“It seems you have much to learn about our name,” she said, a smile teasing her lips.

“I do? I mean, what do you mean? Is it a family name? A wizard name?”

She chuckled softly. “All those.”

Then she hugged me tight. “There’s much to understand about your family heritage and ours that stretches far and wide plus you have the heart of a seeker.”

Just then, the door opened, revealing my father, his expression calm yet curious. “What’s the commotion all about?”

“Riley discovered something magical,” she said, her eyes bright.

I grinned, the excitement bubbling within me.

“Did you finish your homework?” he asked.

I winced, then burst into laughter. “Well, not exactly.”

“Oh dear,” my father’s eyebrows knitted. “You’ll be busy tomorrow, I suppose.”

The unrestrained joy of the night lingered, filled with the thrill of uncovering mysteries. My adventures were just beginning, and I couldn’t wait to dive deeper into my family’s magical legacy.

Embracing the truths waiting to be unveiled was the finest form of magic one could ever experience.

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