Olivia's Dragon Friend

One morning, I heard some strange noises coming from the attic. At first, I thought it was just my cat, Muffin, chasing a flying mouse around. But I went upstairs to take a look, and I didn’t find Muffin there; I found something much more interesting and fun!

It was bright teal with sparkling emerald eyes. I wasn’t sure at first what it might be, but then I looked at the little white wings on its back and I knew – it was a baby dragon! I don’t know how it got here, but it was very friendly and I was so happy to have a new friend!

“Hi!” I said, kneeling down to pet the baby dragon’s head. He made a strange noise – like a little croaky laugh. He nuzzled my hand with his snout.

“Do you want to come downstairs and play?” I asked. He seemed to want to, so I took a blanket off my bed and wrapped him up in it. That way, no one would see him in case my parents came up to check on me.

In my room, I gave him a plate of strawberries and whipped cream – his favorite snack, I think! Then I gave him a cool name: Rocky. He sat on my shoulder as I went outside for my bike ride.

We played together for the whole day, and every day after that, but many creatures were not so friendly to him. The poor dear was afraid of people. Every time the village children tried to play with him, he became so frightened, he flew away. But I was always there to welcome him back.

One day when we were playing, there was a terrible loud noise. Roars shook the earth, water splashed everywhere, and fire and rocks and trees were falling from above! This was very strange because I and the villagers had always gotten along very well before.

“Rocky, Rocky! What could it be?” I cried in despair.

“I think I know!” he croaked back.

“What is it?”

“A volcano is erupting over there in the hills! If we do not help, it will destroy the whole village!”

Rocky was very brave, so we rushed over to the mountain as quickly as we could.

“Nearer, more nearer! A little to the right! Okay, watch out! Fire and rocks are coming down from above!”

Rocky started turning in circles, breathing fire onto the falling rocks. Some he melted into lava. Others he turned to dust. Together, we stood in that fiery place, with rocks and fireplants tumbling down, for nearly an hour before the danger was past.

“Oh, thank you!” I said to Rocky when at last he was able to sit down again. “But I did not know how to fight!”

“It is not only by fighting that friendships are made,” he croaked tenderly.

That night, the children came to my house. With them they brought a fine meal, the best in the entire village.

“Olivia,” all the children cried, “we thank you for saving us from danger today. Rocky is no longer afraid of us, and we hope that you and he will come down and play with us as often as you can.”

Rocky held his head higher than ever at this speech. He looked so proud!

So you see, you see the difference kindness and love can make, and how they can turn a once lonely creature into a star of the village community.

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