Nia and the Whispering Wind

Nia the Ninja stood poised in the hidden dojo, surrounded by the vibrant blossoms of spring. This evening, she was to complete her training and don the title of the master ninja. The day had been warm, the sun playful among the pink petals, but an unexpected chill settled as communication between herself and the forces of nature indicated a coming storm. Perhaps the weather was reflecting her mood.

She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Dressed in her sleek black suit, she felt like another girl playing dress-up, but the past year proved that she was more than that. Even a ninja-in-training needed to take a final examination, and this evening, her skills would be tested. Confidence wavered as she fought her doubts, wiped the perspiration from her eyes, and gazed across the courtyard. Surely Tai would succeed and arrive any moment now!

The wind waved its arms and whirled about her. It seemed to comfort her, as if saying, “All is well, do not fear, take courage!” Somehow, the words gave her confidence, and she began stretching and warming up. She grimaced, however, when she slid her foot forward.

Most girls her age would have been at a slumber party just then, giggling, eating popcorn, and discussing the latest trends. Nia had missed countless parties to hone her craft. Now, it all seemed so pointless, an exercise in futility that would lead nowhere. Particular attention was paid to her feet, the base of all kick and jump techniques, and the shoe rubbed the blister on her left toe. But did it really matter? After tonight, she would never have to practice those kicking techniques again!

Head over heels in her attempts to look on the sunny side of life, she tried to lighten her mood. Tai was late, that was all! He was amazing! He would be there when the time was right. Yet, it was unlike him to keep her waiting—not when he knew what rest and comfort meant to her! PEENNG! Pain in her legs as she moved deeper into her stretching positions! They had always ached but never before like now. And what was that?

She strained her ears. Was it the sound of feet pattering? She listened intently amid the low moaning of wind and the flushing crickets. No, it was only the wind. Sat early in the year and now denied their rightful bushy covering by the prolonged drouth!

With a glance at the angrily-tossing you trees that shut in her exercise ground, she muttered, “I can’t!” Then she lifted her head, gazed straight at the midnight sky, and said more convincingly, “I can! I must!”

“Boys are so passing brave;
Rather, give me the maiden,
Never form of man more hard-hearted,”
she murmured to cheer her spirits. And though the last verse seemed anything save burdened with Latin endurance, it did seem that man gave in more quickly to despair. How could he remain sad and unyielding for weeks? Bright clouds sailed by, to be sure, but still the Mercury grief under the towel remained unbroken.

“Touch yourself!” commanded the wind, and the recollection of Tai’s words lifted Nia out of her recent depression. That had been his answer when she had complained of difficulties in the morning exercises. “Go to it,” he said, aggrieved, “and do as I do! Touch yourself! Then I don’t see why I should break my heart!”

Nia fastened her broidered girdle more securely and half-mockingly touched the top of her head with the tips of her longest fingers. She had but to learn the remaining techniques. Tai would be there at the final hour. Everything would turn out all right in the end, and she would soon be a master ninja in action.

The evening sky grew darker as thunder echoed in the distance.

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