Benny the Bear's Big Adventure

Benny the Bear loved to explore the enchanted forest where he lived. One sunny day, he decided to go on a big adventure: he wanted to meet the near-neighboring wolf that never came out to play.

So off he went.

Benny bounced happily from place to place, enjoying the fluttering butterflies and whispering flowers all along the forest paths. When lunchtime came, he sat under a shady tree and thought about Mr. Wolf and what good things he might bring to the forest community.

“I’ll take him some food, although I don’t know what he likes to eat,” thought Benny. In his suitcase were some soft snowberries, which Benny felt sure would be a treat to the most fastidious eater.

Mr. Wolf was at home, as he always was all day. He welcomed Benny at the door and bade him “walk in.” But Benny hesitated—the forest story said that Mr. Wolf liked little bears for dinner.

But it is hard to distrust a polite gentleman so Benny entered and sat down.

“Would you like to have a bit of lunch before we begin our talk?” asked Mr. Wolf. Benny looked surprised. “Oh, yes, thank you!” he exclaimed.

Then he took the snowberries from the suitcase and offered them to Mr. Wolf. “My favorite dish!” cried the wolf. “No one ever thinks of bringing me food! Thank you, thank you!”

It is always worth while to do a good action, even if one is a little afraid of the other party. Benny’s heart was light as he bade Mr. Wolf good-by. Now they were friends, and he was sure of seeing him often, and interesting others by his interesting ways.

And every time Benny visited him he took food along.

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