Benny and the Rainbow Bridge

In a sunny and beautiful meadow, with flowers blooming and butterflies fluttering about, lived a bunny named Benny. Benny was no ordinary bunny; he had a beautiful coat of fur and loved to hop around the meadow with all his friends. But what set him apart the most was his affection for his beloved toy, a little brown teddy bear he called Teddybun.

Everywhere Benny went, Teddybun was sure to come along. They would chase butterflies together, nap under the biggest tree in the meadow, and even sing songs to the stars at night. Benny’s bright eyes sparkled with delight as he shared countless adventures with Teddybun by his side.

One fateful day, while playing a game of hide and seek, Benny realized he couldn’t find Teddybun anywhere. All the little lady mice and the rabbits searched high and low, but Teddybun was nowhere to be found. Benny felt a tight knot in his little bunny heart. Teddybun had never been apart from him for even a moment.

“Maybe he’s just playing hide and seek too,” his mother suggested gently, trying to bring some cheer back into Benny’s heart. But deep down, Benny feared he had lost his best friend forever.

Days turned into weeks, and as the beautiful spring days passed, Benny’s heart grew a little heavier, and his bright eyes dimmed. He still played with other bunnies, chased butterflies and sang songs to the stars, but something was always missing.

His parents, seeing their little Benny sad, decided to take him on a special trip to the hill on the far side of the meadow. Benny loved this hill most of all, for it was the tallest one and from there, he could see the entire meadow, blooming with beautiful colors.

One clear day in spring, Benny, and his parents hopped to the top of the hill together. The view was just as lovely as ever, but this day everything seemed a little more radiant. There seemed to be a pretty rainbow hovering in the delicate blue sky. Benny hopped closer to the edge of the hill, wondering how the rainbow managed to float there. Suddenly, as he looked upon it, he found himself jumping and leaping in delight.

And as he gazed at the rainbow, he felt something bumping against his little paw. He looked down, and what do you think it could have been? Yes! It was Teddybun, looking as good as new, as if he had never, never, never been away. Back had come Teddybun the moment little Benny was really happy.

Teddybun nodded his little head, and his glassy eyes sparkled more than ever before. And then with a leap, Benny jumped onto his mother’s back. Teddybun followed close after, and in a moment, they were all hopping down the hill together.

“Oh, Teddybun, where have you been?” exclaimed Benny. And they again chased the butterflies, took naps under the biggest tree in the meadow, and sang songs to the stars at night.

And all the lady mice and the rabbits wondered the next morning how Benny had found Teddybun, for they had given up all hope. But Benny knew. “He got lost,” he said, “on the other side of the rainbow, for the sun shines there. And the moment I hopped up here and began to laugh again, he came hopping back to me.”

And that’s why even now, when you hear a bunny or a little child laughing out in the meadow, you can see a bright streak of color in the sky, like a rainbow shining through the little clouds on the blue day. And all little boys and girls know that if anything that you have gets lost, it is sure to come back if you only make up your mind to be happy again as soon as you can.

Where do you suppose Teddybun went to when he was lost?

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